About Us

Welcome to Puddletown Pre-school
Puddletown Pre-school is a well-established charity run Pre-school managed by a committee which has been operating since 1974. We cater for children from 2 years 9 months until they progress up to first school. We are located within the brand new Puddletown First School building. The light and airy play room has under floor heating and a wealth of resources to stimulate and challenge.
We enjoy a secure enclosed outdoor area which allows us to operate a free flow system where children can choose to play either indoors or outdoors uninterrupted for the majority of the session. Within our outdoor space we are creating a working garden, where the children can choose to grow fruit and vegetables, a natural sensory area, a sandpit, and have a wide range of resources.
We have close links with Puddletown First School. During their time at Pre-school the children can participate in a range of school based activities which will support their transition into the reception class .
We can assure you that every effort is made to ensure your children receive the most consistent, welcoming, happy and creative place for them to grow, learn and flourish in that they deserve. Parents are regarded as members of our setting who have full participatory rights. These include a right to be valued and respected; kept informed; consulted; involved and included at all levels, including options for application to committee level.